God loves everyone who is humble and who listens to His word

God loves everyone who is humble and who listens to His word

God loves everyone who is humble and who listens to His word.

Alena Gerasim wrote in Messenger:
God does not speak to us through someone else, but through His word—the Bible.

The word that was given to Alena Gerasim from the Lord:**
God loves everyone who is humble and who listens to His word, not in the way you think, sister, that you love Jehovah and speak about God but resist Him, not believing that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) He has not changed; He is the same. The Lord tells you: believe in Me, the Lord Jesus, and you will see the Glory of My Father.

Let’s say you love your children; you give them a word, but they don’t understand the word. What do you do? You explain and speak to them, right? If you, being earthly, care, how much more does My Father, who loves everyone. (John 14:16-21)

Alena Gerasim asked:
Were you a Jehovah’s Witness? Does Jesus speak to us now as He did to the apostles? After the last apostle John died, God speaks to us through His word, the Bible.

Yes, I was a Witness, but then the Lord God of Israel took me out of there. Jehovah will also lead you out when your daughter asks you to leave because they speak their own words.

God is a Living God; He loves to speak even today, God always speaks.

Great! Let’s say you work in a factory where instructions are given. The instruction is a book with basic criteria, and people tell you to do as it is written there. You take it and do as it is written, but it doesn’t work out for you. And a person comes to you and teaches you: — We were only given the book, and no one will tell you or explain it because that was in the past, and now it’s only the book. Would you work there, or would you seek help from the creator of this book? Don’t comfort yourself only with instructions, but comfort yourself with the Living Source, the Living God, not a dead one, as they interpret that God doesn’t speak as He did before. All of this is the invention of unbelievers who do not believe in the Living God.

Alena Gerasim asked:
How do you get a word for someone? I think the Witnesses have the truth.

Good day, sister, I am glad for you. If you haven’t read my testimony, you can read it on the website: https://vhriste.com/about/, where I wrote about how the Lord Jesus came to me…. The Lord Jesus gives His word, and I write, I do not write from myself; God gives me by His Grace.

Concerning the truth.
Only the Lord Jesus is the Truth, as the Bible says.
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)
“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (John 6:37)
“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.” (John 10:28)
“I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” (John 11:25)

Be happy, God loves you, do not be afraid.

Alena Gerasim asked:
How is He not living? Isn’t Jehovah the Living God? We should worship Him, not the Son. Revelation 19:6,7

The word from God to you:
They do not believe in the Living God; if they believed, they would not say that Jehovah does not speak today but would accept Him.

Why don’t you believe that there is One Lord and One God, the God of love, and those who believe in Me believe in the One who sent Me? Why don’t you believe that the Lord is the One who saves, the One who loves? Why? (Ephesians 4:5-6). Don’t you know, My daughter and My sister, that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? Why don’t you want to believe, but believe those who say that I, your Lord, am just the Son? (John 14:11).

Isn’t it written that I came to save My own, but they did not receive Me because they thought, like you, that I am not the Savior, but just some man teaching things they did not understand? Isn’t it written that whoever believes in Me has eternal life? (John 6:47).
Isn’t it written that there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved? (Acts 4:12). Why do you seek what you like and what they give you? Cursed is the man who trusts in man (Jeremiah 17:5). If I were only a man, then all who believe in Me as a man would become as written, but I am not only a man, I am the One who saves, I am the One who gives life.


/ Peter Franz /