God loves the one who is humble, but God opposes the proud

God loves the one who is humble, but God opposes the proud

A Word from God for Artem Frolov (Russia)
God has given a word for you, my brother, whom God loves. God loves you, repent, and God will guide you on the right path, says your God, whom you both share and crucify. I am your Lord, and there is no other besides Me, says the Eternal One.
Do not be stubborn like those who know a lot; be humble, and the Lord will grant you mercy, love, and peace in your heart. Do not be like those who talk a lot and think they are right; you are nothing without Me, says the Lord. God loves you, repent, and you will receive what He promised to all, eternal life, where there will be no sorrow or suffering.
God will put an end to all evil, all suffering when He sets His seal on those who are faithful to Him, the Lord God. It is not as you think, that you are My people; My people are those who obey Me, not the person you chose yourself.
Do not be afraid, My son; I will heal you if you accept My word, which I give you through the person I have chosen to carry My word to all who want to know the Eternal One.

The Second Word from God for Artem Frolov
God loves us because we are His children, says the Lord, who died for us. Why do you not believe that your Lord is the One who loves you and cares for you? He demands nothing from us except our love for God Jehovah and our obedience to Him.
Why, My son, do you not love Me? Why do you walk and seek what is not from Me? I am God, a just God, who punishes those who are dear to Me. Be obedient to Me, says your Lord and your King, for you greatly grieve the One who created you.
God loves the humble, not like you, My son, who only seeks reasons to justify himself and seeks reasons to blame others. Do not be like those who know a lot and then say that I made a mistake; you all make mistakes, there is no person who does not err.
The Lord loves you, why do you sin, why do you envy your brother, whom I have appointed to serve Me? I have punished him, and he listened to Me. I will heal him completely if he listens to Me, says the Lord God.
Be obedient to your Lord, and He will guide you on the right and true path.

God loves the humble, but opposes the proud.
God loves the obedient.
God loves the one who is kind in deeds.
God loves all who understand and help their neighbor.
God hates your evil because it leads to destruction.

Do not be stubborn as you are now, My son; be obedient to Me, your Lord, who saved you from death, says the Lord.
I died for you, why do you not love Me? Why do you only love your brothers who love those who give you what is not from Me? They sin against Me, against the Lord, who loves you, who saved you, and who loves you despite your sins against Me, says the Lord.

God loves those who speak the truth.
God loves the one who is honest in his deeds.
God hates the immoral.
God hates those who pretend to be kind and humble.
God loves all who come to Him.
God loves all who see a friend’s trouble and come to help.
God comes to those who repent.
God loves humble children.
God loves all who repent and come to Me in humility, says the Lord God.

Be humble, My son, and I will guide you on the right path.
Humble yourself, and the Lord will lift you up. Humble yourself, and God will reveal what is hidden from you.
God loves you and your brother, who writes My word.
Be blessed, My son, Artem Frolov. I will heal you forever, says the Lord.
Do not be afraid, do not be afraid, and once again, do not be afraid, I am your God Jehovah, who loves you, despite the fact that you do not serve Me, the Living God, but a human organization.
I will punish you if you do not repent and accept My word, which I give you so that you know that I am your Lord, I do not need your organization, your emblem, which defiles My name, says the Lord of Hosts.
/May 27, 2016/

/ Peter Franz /