A book for those who love God and those who believe in the One Who loves and has mercy

A book for those who love God and those who believe in the One Who loves and has mercy

In this book, is written the word for the children of God who are still in the organization created by a man named Charles Taze Russell. He was not the person chosen by the Lord God of Israel; the leaders of this organization themselves can confirm this. This person, they themselves, “Jehovah’s Witnesses” (formerly “Bible Students”), have chosen this person as their teacher. We know that for us there is only one Teacher. He is Living and Acting, who teaches us not through priests, not through Catholics or Protestants. We are taught by the Holy Spirit, who instructs, comforts, corrects, and reproves us, as written in the Holy Bible in the Gospel of John 14:26.
Love God who cares about you

Love God who cares about you

Do not forget that the loving God is kind to you, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who say that they know God, and even they confirm that they know His name. Many people know other people’s names and admire them, but that doesn’t mean they have a close relationship with them.
About Jonathan

About Jonathan

Jonathan was obedient to God not because he walked where there was no God, but because he was with God and loved God. And today, My people walk where there is no God, and listen to their so-called Sauls. When Jonathan loved David and strengthened and helped him, Jonathan did not argue with him, did not scold him: why do you not walk with my father, who is the king of Israel? On the contrary, he strengthened him and said to David: be brave and courageous.
The Name of the God of Israel

The Name of the God of Israel

The Lord loves all His children, even if they mispronounce or pronounce His Name. The name given at the beginning, יהוה (in Latin transcription YHVH) was later changed to Lord (Adonai). The Lord is the One who reigns.