Love God who cares about you

Love God who cares about you

Do not forget that the loving God is kind to you, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who say that they know God, and even they confirm that they know His name. Many people know other people’s names and admire them, but that doesn’t mean they have a close relationship with them.
A Word from God for Gena Ivanov

A Word from God for Gena Ivanov

I love you, My son, says the Lord. I am your God who loves you and punishes those I love. I am the God who loves with eternal love. I love you, I will not leave you, says your God Jehovah, whom you love. He will give you eternal life if you repent and accept Me as Lord and Savior.
God loves everyone who is humble and who listens to His word

God loves everyone who is humble and who listens to His word

God loves everyone who is humble and who listens to His word, not in the way you think, sister, that you love Jehovah and speak about God but resist Him, not believing that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) He has not changed; He is the same. The Lord tells you: believe in Me, the Lord Jesus, and you will see the Glory of My Father.
About Jonathan

About Jonathan

Jonathan was obedient to God not because he walked where there was no God, but because he was with God and loved God. And today, My people walk where there is no God, and listen to their so-called Sauls. When Jonathan loved David and strengthened and helped him, Jonathan did not argue with him, did not scold him: why do you not walk with my father, who is the king of Israel? On the contrary, he strengthened him and said to David: be brave and courageous.
God loves those who are faithful to Me, says the Lord

God loves those who are faithful to Me, says the Lord

Beloved, now are we children of God, and it is not yet made manifest what we shall be. We know that, if he shall be manifested, we shall be like him; for we shall see him even as he is. And every one that hath this hope (set) on him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
A Word from God for Me and for Those Who Serve a Human Organization

A Word from God for Me and for Those Who Serve a Human Organization

Be obedient, says the Lord, and then I will open a door for you so that you can carry what I, your God, give you—for teaching, for correction, and so that I can reveal My word to you for all who need Me, the God whom they do not want to know. For they have no faith in Me, the Living God. I will reveal My will to all if they come to Me, says the Lord.
Come out of her, My people!

Come out of her, My people!

Revelation from God God does not look at religion; God looks at the heart of each person. He loves everyone. The Lord Jesus died for all of us, He did…
The Name of the God of Israel

The Name of the God of Israel

The Lord loves all His children, even if they mispronounce or pronounce His Name. The name given at the beginning, יהוה (in Latin transcription YHVH) was later changed to Lord (Adonai). The Lord is the One who reigns.