A small revelation from God about the Millennial Kingdom

A small revelation from God about the Millennial Kingdom

In the Millennial Kingdom, people will live up to 900 years, some up to a hundred years due to sin, as written in Isaiah 65:20. The first generation will die, and the new generation will forget about God and seek their own ways.
I asked God about sickness, and He said there will be minor ailments.
God mentioned that it will not be as Jehovah’s Witnesses imagine.
Before this, God will destroy everything created by man; nothing will remain except those who were faithful to God and those who loved God and their neighbor as themselves.

God does not need your buildings, your beautiful magazines.
God loves those who walk humbly and wisely before God.

O man! It has been told to you what is good and what Jehovah requires of you:
to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8).

God loves everyone.

/Peter Franz/