Before God, all people are equal

Before God, all people are equal

A Word from God for Anton Chivchalov (Belarus)

God loves you and wants you to obey Him, not to walk as others walk, not to write everything you think, do everything that is beautiful in the eyes of the Lord, your God. Do not be like those who talk a lot and do nothing. You know well that God wants everyone to repent before the Lord God and come to Him, all who need healing.

Before God, all people are equal; He is not a God who created an organization or any denomination for people. He is a God of love, He does not need anything; He wants us to be obedient to Him, to be humble, and to walk in the fear of God. God wants you to repent and come to God, who does not live within the walls created by your organization.

He is a God who wants to have obedient children here on earth.
He did not choose organizations.
He did not choose denominations.
He did not choose people by race.
He did not choose people by nationality.
He did not choose people by religion.
He chose people by love, says the Lord God, who loves you and your family.
He is a God of love.

/December 10, 2015/

/Peter Franz/