Where I am, there are My children

Where I am, there are My children

Word from God to Sister Natalia Umanets (Ukraine)

Jehovah God loves everyone. He does not look at a person as a person looks. He is the God of love and wants everyone to be obedient to Him, the Living God, who does not dwell in houses built by you. He is love, and where there is love, there am I, says the One who created everything, namely all of you and the earth on which you live. Thus says the One who loves you: take My word and read that I, your God, do not need anything. I do not need your houses, I do not need organization. I am God, a just God. Where I am, there are My children; where I am, there they serve Me. They do not serve as you serve; they serve the Living God.

1. — Natalia Umanets asks: “Hello. I want to ask you. In the Bible, starting from Exodus, under the name Lord, should one understand Jesus Christ or Jehovah?”

God gave an answer:

The Lord said: Behold, I, there is no other besides Me; behold, I am the One who is coming; behold, I am the One who comes in My wrath.
Why don’t you believe, sister, that I am the One who created you and all that lives and breathes? Why don’t you want to understand that I am the same forever? Therefore, My people will know My name; therefore, they will know on that day that I am the same who says: behold, I!” (Isaiah 52:6).
Come to Me all who labor, come to Me all, says Jehovah, come to Me all who are burdened, and I will give you rest.

2. — Natalia Umanets asks: “Who is speaking, the Lord or Jehovah?”

God gave an answer:

Do not be afraid, I am the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) Thus says the Lord, who is and who gives the Word, who loves and punishes those who do not listen to the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the Way, there is no other, He is the Truth, and there is no other besides Me, says the One who is Life. Why don’t you want to understand and believe that it is I, that I am Life, and there is no other life, there is no other, because I am the One who gives Life. (John 14:6)

Believe, only believe, I am your Lord, your God, who reveals the Word, who gives food at the right time. Believe that I am the One who gives life to all in abundance, the One who loves and the One who died for all of you. I will give eternal life to all who believe in Me, the Lord God, who loves everyone who comes to Me, to the Lord of Israel, to the Lord of Hosts, to the Lord God, who loves and forgives everyone who repents before Me, the Lord of Israel. Do not be afraid, I say again, I am the Lord, do not be afraid, I am with you forever.

3. — Natalia Umanets asks: “Do you go to JW on Sundays?”

God gave an answer:

God loves the humble, not those who seek only the human. He is the God of love, and where there is love, there is the Lord; where there is no love, but only human love and human wisdom, God does not support, but only pulls out all whom He calls to Himself, not to a man who is dust of the earth.

Be wise, My sister, says the Lord. Do not fall for the human trap, who with their human thoughts think that they believe and serve Me, the God who hates human deceit and cunning.

They, JW, as you say, are not from Me, says your God. They are from the devil, because he is a liar and all his followers. Do not be afraid, My sister and My daughter, I will destroy them and punish them for all their deceit, which they preach. They will answer for everything they do.

Be happy, My dear, says God, who loves and forgives everyone who comes to Me and repents of their sins. I forgive everyone, says the Lord, your God.

Peter Franz