I will take you from there, as well as many of My children, where you are

I will take you from there, as well as many of My children, where you are

A word from God for Nina Khlebnikova — Schneider

Sister, peace be with you!
I love you, says the Lord. I will heal you, My daughter, do not forsake My word, says the One who created you. I am your Lord, I will give you much that you have not seen or heard because I am your God. I want you to be happy, just as I, your God, am happy.

Thus says the Lord: I will take you from there, as well as many of My children, where you are, because there is no true word of Mine there. There is only that which is not from Me, there is a mixed word, there is no My truth, there is more human than Mine, says the Lord.

Be blessed, My daughter. I bless you and your sister, who is very dear to you; she is very worried about you, My daughter. I will bless her as well as you, My daughter. I love you very much, says your God Jehovah, who loves everyone, regardless of a person’s appearance, education, or status, because before Me, all are equal.

I am God, a God of love. I am not a God who divides people by nationality, religion, or denomination. I am a God who wants you all to love and forgive each other, not as now, when you hate each other.

I will punish you for your disobedience to Me, says your God, who loves you and punishes those He loves. I am your God; I want you to be humble and obedient to Me, the Living God, who wants you to humble yourselves, like your Lord, who died for all of you living on earth.

God wants your obedience and humility before your Lord Jesus Christ, who died for you to save you from death and hell, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which you must be saved (Acts 4:12). I will shelter you in the day of My wrath, says the One who will judge the living and the dead.


Peter Franz