A Word from God for Those Who Do Not Want to Serve the Living God but a Human Organization

A Word from God for Those Who Do Not Want to Serve the Living God but a Human Organization

(Revelation from God)
God spoke and said to me yesterday: “Take and write My word for those who do not want to serve Me, the Living God.” They have built themselves a house in Brooklyn, a house in Warwick, where I am not, and have created an organization in My name, and want to do what is not according to My will. They are those who walk the streets and shout that they know Me and love Me, not understanding that they sin against Me, the Lord and Savior, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. They are not Mine, says the Lord. They belong to man and their organization. I will punish all those who serve not Me, the Living God, but a human organization.
I will give them Paradise in Heaven, not here, where there is war and suffering. They do not understand that they sin greatly against Me, says the Lord. I will destroy this human organization. I did not create it. Why do you shout? We are Your people, Jehovah! You are not My people, says the Lord God, who created the heavens and the earth.

God does not want you to deceive yourselves; He wants you to reconcile with the Living God, who does not want you to perish but wants you to live happily not only here but also in Heaven. Where there is no suffering, no pain, no hunger, no wars. My children, who want to have a good relationship with Me as King and Savior, live there in Heaven. I speak these words to you, My children, says the Lord, your God.

Do not believe the man named Peter Franz, who writes these words, but believe Me, the Living God, he knows nothing without Me, for I am God, who created everything, and him too, so that he could bring My word to all who need My truth.

I am your God, I tell you, My son, repent and return to the Living God. I am your God, I tell you, My daughter, repent and stop sinning, return to the Living God. I am your God, I am your God whom you worship, I am your God who loves you.
Daughter and son, My child, why do you not listen to Me as Lord and Savior? Why do you go the way you do not know? If you walk correctly, I, your God, can only guide you on the right path.

Why, My child, do you want to hurt Me, your God, so much? You harm yourself and bring suffering to others through your promises that Paradise will soon be on earth. It will not be soon, for I, God, will destroy everything that man has created. Man can do nothing without God’s word, which heals and frees from impurity.

You know that I, your Lord, am pure, and I want you to be pure as I am, says the Lord, your God, who does not live in the walls you have created for Me; they are not for Me, they are for your organization. They do not want to change; they are like those sheep who do not want to move towards Me. They only sin and hinder others from obeying Me, the Living God. I will punish them and destroy them if they do not repent.

So says the Almighty and All-powerful God, who reigns over all. I will destroy their entire house and take My children from there, who are obedient to Me, the Living God. Those who resist will be destroyed forever, so says the Almighty God Jehovah. – I am the Living and Acting God, who loves and forgives all who come to Me, the Living God. Amen.

God told me: tell them (Jehovah’s Witnesses) that I do not leave them, they are My beautiful and happy children. They will not be destroyed, only their human organization will be destroyed. I love them and want them to be obedient to Me, says the Lord.

(November 14, 2015)