God loves everyone and wants to save everyone.

God loves everyone and wants to save everyone.

A Word from God for Oksana Lavrusenko

A word from God for you, My daughter, says the Lord. God loves us. Why do you only love those who are called by My name? Why? God loves everyone and wants to save everyone.

— Why do you, My daughter, — says your God Jehovah, — act this way? Why?
— Why do you not love those who worship Me, the living God? Why?
— Why do you think this way? Why?

You love very much what I, the Lord, do not love, namely what man has created, what is not from Me, — says your God, who does not live there. He lives where there is no strife, where there is only love for your neighbor. And your neighbor is the one who communicates with you, the one who is near, — says your Father, who loves everyone.

God loves all of you who are called by My name. Why do you not believe that I, your Lord, who loves everyone despite the fact that you dishonor My name by creating for yourselves an emblem (JW) under My name? Creating for yourselves what is abhorrent to Me, — says your Redeemer, who died for all of you.

Be obedient, My daughter. I will bless you, do not be afraid. I am your God, who saved you. I love and discipline all whom I love. Be blessed, My daughter, — says your Lord.

/April 20, 2016/